Members have a wide
range of benefits
PAU members can get a €35 discount on annual subscriptions to Demokraatti and Kansan Uutiset. The discount on annual subscriptions to other employee newspapers is €20 (Tiedonantaja, Viikko Pohjois-Karjala, Arbetarbladet). Also some trade union branches grant support for subscriptions to employee newspapers. Ask your own branch about support.
When you subscribe to a newspaper, mention your trade union membership and give the union branch contact information if it provides the newspaper benefit.
Otavamedia offers PAU members a special discount on magazine subscriptions. Subscriptions are continuous and priced at 12-month, fixed-price subscriptions. New subscriptions in Finland that have not yet been invoiced are entitled to the special discount. An existing subscription cannot be switched to a discount subscription and nor can a discount be used to extend an existing fixed-term subscription.
You can order Otavamedia magazines with a special discount here.